Started the laboratories for schools on the valorisaion of the territory

In training and education by aedeka

To raise awareness among young people of the value of the cultural and artistic heritage in their territory; to develop creativity, communication and relational skills; to develop the key competences of Citizenship and Constitution; to discover the Tuscan sites included in the UNESCO world heritage list; to learn by doing, through laboratories and experiential learning activities…

These are the main objectives of the workshops for schools organised by AEDEKA in the context of a project promoted by MIBACT on the valorisation of the regional sites included in the UNESCO list of world heritage sites: the historical centers of Florence and Siena, San Gimignano, Pienza, Val d’Orcia, Piazza dei Miracoli of Pisa, and the new site “Medici Villas and Gardens in Tuscany” consisting of a series of 14 villas and gardens of the Medici family and awarded by UNESCO the title of “World Heritage Site” in 2013.

The first laboratories, which involved a primary school in Pisa, two secondary schools of Pisa and Seravezza and the Artistic High School of Quarrata, focused in particular on the Medici Villas of Poggio a Caiano, La Magia and Cerreto Guidi. The workshop consists of a preparatory meeting held in the classroom followed by a visit to the chosen site.

At the end of the course the students will be involved in the preparation of something tangible aimed at consolidating what they have learned and sharing their experience with others. For high schools the workshop is included in a work-related learning project thanks to which the students become touristic guides. This allows them to become aware of the value of the cultural and artistic heritage in their territory, to strenghten their historical, artistic and communication skills and to get in touch with specific professional figures in the world of cultural heritage.