The management of EC projects as a key competence in the IFTS “Operatore Turistico Sportivo” training course promoted by Confcommercio Pisa and financed by the Tuscany Region

In EU funds, training and education by aedeka

EC funds are the main financing instruments for companies, public bodies, private organizations and professionals to develop their research and innovation projects. Knowing how to choose the most suitable tender, prepare a project proposal and manage the funding represent not only a fundamental development capacity, but also an extraordinary opportunity to improve our qualification and strengthen our professional position, fostering new and interesting job opportunities and new skills.

In this framework, AEDEKA was commissioned by Confcommercio Pisa to conduct a teaching activity within the IFTS “Operatore Turistico Sportivo”, a course of 800 hours (240 of which as apprenticeship) financed by the Tuscany Region thanks to the resources of the European Social Fund. The course was created with the aim of training young unemployed to access the job market in a short time.

AEDEKA has built an interesting 24-hour training course alternating parts of frontal lessons, in which to provide important notions of EC project’s management, from the identification of the call that suits best our needs to the set up of an international partnership up to the preparation and submission of the proposal, with more open and participatory training sessions to stimulate a comparison between the participants, bring out potential ideas based on their interests and lead a path of definition and structuring of possible and concrete project proposals.