inDICEs – Measuring the Impact of Digital Culture

In Digital Cultural Heritage, project management by aedeka

With the kick-off meeting held in Rome on 21 and 22 January 2020, the inDICEs project (Measuring the impact of digital culture) officially started.

inDICEs is a research project funded under the H2020 Programme of the EU. It’s outcomes will empower policy-makers and decision-makers in the Cultural and Creative Industries to fully understand the social and economic impact of digitisation in their sectors and address the need for innovative (re)use of cultural assets.

By tracking policies in an open observatory and establishing policy priorities for successful digital transformation and future governance of cultural and creative content ecosystems, inDICEs provides tools to measure and advance the impact of cultural heritage in Europe. By the end of the project, policy-makers will have a solid framework to assess the impact of cultural heritage and an open observatory to keep track of the advancement of its impact. For their own part, Cultural Heritage Institutions will be able to make strategic decisions that will allow them to increase their positive contributions to the CCI and society.

AEDEKA participates in the project to support the Coordinator – the Central Institute for the Unique Catalog of Italian Libraries (ICCU) – in the technical and administrative management of the project.

For more information and to stay updated on the progress of the project, visit