Discovering the historical center of Florence – path “World Heritage of Tuscany: a creative story”

In training and education by aedeka

A “journey” to discover the cultural and artistic heritage located in our territory told through its expertise but with a language that may be of interest for the young people. This is the meaning of the work-experience project created by Aedeka and called “World Heritage of Tuscany: a creative story” and dedicated to the enhancement of the World Heritage sites of Tuscany (on behalf of the Tuscany Region).

The course ended on February 28th, with the visit designed and conducted by the students of the 3rd B of the Liceo Scientifico A.Gramsci” in Florence who expertly guided the colleagues of the “Liceo Artistico Russoli” in Pisa to discover the historical center of Florence. A route full of history and culture that moved from Piazza del Duomo (with the visit to the Baptistery and description of the Cathedral and the Bell Tower), reached Piazza della Signoria and its wonders through Piazza della Repubblica and Orsanmichele. The students told the interior of the Palazzo, with all its masterpieces, starting from the  amazing “Salone dei Cinquecento” (see image above).

A long preparation work in the classroom, followed by a visit at two of the most fascinating World Heritage sites in Tuscany (included in the UNESCO list). A few days ago, in fact, a visit to the Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa has been conducted from the student from the Pisan high school.

The course was prepared in class thanks to the great work developed by the teachers Silvia Tomasi (Liceo Russoli of Pisa) and Giuliana Tesoriere (Liceo Gramsci of Florence), with the scientific supervision of Professor Chiara Balbarini supported by the entire team of Aedeka.

The initiative, as mentioned above, ends the project that Aedeka has designed in response to the assignment awarded with a public tender of the Tuscany Region for the enhancement of the seven World Heritage sites of Tuscany.