Discovering Piazza dei Miracoli – path “World Heritage of Tuscany: a creative story”

In training and education by aedeka

A visit to the fascinating Piazza dei Miracoli, led by the students of the IV C of the “Liceo Artistico Russoli” of Pisa, concretizes the work-experience project “World Heritage of Tuscany: a creative story”, conceived by Aedeka and dedicated to the enhancement of the world heritage sites of Tuscany.

On Tuesday 19th February, Pisan students led the 3rd class of the “Liceo Scientifico Gramsci” of Florence to discover the world heritage site, leading them in a path full of history and culture that described the entire square and the Leaning tower, a visit to the Cathedral, the Baptistery, the Camposanto and finally the Museo delle Sinopie.

Before the visit, the Councilor for Tourism, Paolo Pesciatini (City of Pisa, in the image above) bring a greeting from the Municipal Administration by praising the boys and his teachers for the initiative and thanking everyone for having conceived and carried out a project linked to the enhancement of culture and its territory.

The project, carefully prepared in class by the teachers Silvia Tomasi (Liceo Russoli of Pisa) and Giuliana Tesoriere (Liceo Gramsci of Florence), saw the scientific supervision of Professor Chiara Balbarini and the design of the Aedeka team.

On February 28, the project will end with a visit to the historic center of Florence. This time it will be the students of the Florentine High School to guide the Pisan students to discover the heritage site in Florence.