Communication strategies in guided tours

In training and education by aedeka

The third session of the training course for public and private stakeholders of the Medicean Villas and Gardens of Tuscany is now over. The course is organised by AEDEKA as part of a project promoted by the Italian Ministry of Culture and Tourism aimed at the valorisation of “Medici Villas and Gardens in Tuscany“, a World Heritage Site since 2013.

Today’s session was held in the splendid setting of Poggio a Caiano, in one of the most representative and well-known Villas of the Medici family. The theme of the day, opened by the director of the Villa Lorenzo Sbaraglio and continued with an intervention by Dr. Giulia Ballerini, cultural operator at the Teaching Section of the Uffizi Gallery, was the communication in guided tours, i.e. strategies and measures to improve the experience of our visitors.

At the end of the presentation, the participants were guided through the Villa by Dr. Ballerini and Dr. Enrico Colle, superintendent director of the Stibbert Museum in Florence and one of the leading experts in the furnishings of the Villa di Poggio a Caiano, Palazzo Pitti and many other Italian royal palaces, to whose rearrangement he worked for many years following the inventory indications present in the archival documents.