Integrated promotion of Destination through territorial marketing services and new technologies

AEDEKA, in collaboration with the partner companies Suggesto, Interline and Ciquadrato, was awarded a European open tender, obtaining from the Union of Municipalities of Marmilla the task to realise of a Territorial Development and Integrated Destination Promotion Project, financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Social Cohesion Fund.
The project intends to create the conditions for a greater attractiveness of the tourist offer through the use of innovative technological systems, the creation of immersive experiences and services and coordinated territorial marketing actions to design and create the “Marmilla” tourist destination. This will be achieved through the creation of a tourist portal with advanced functions and a plan of tourist signage and service infrastructures in all 18 municipalities involved. The assignment also includes the need to provide for the collection and mapping of the artistic values ​​of the territory and for the drafting of the texts and contents that will be published on the portal and which will be accessible through special digital applications. AEDEKA takes care of the communication, training and content production activities.

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