A journey to discover the Medici villas and gardens in Tuscany

The UNESCO site “Medici villas and gardens in Tuscany” consists of 14 villas and gardens of the Medici family located in Tuscany, and it has been inscribed since 2013 in the UNESCO World Heritage List of Cultural and Natural Heritage.

With the aim of making this rich heritage known to new generations, AEDEKA takes care, on behalf of the Tuscany Region, of organising a set of educational and training activities for the valorisation of the UNESCO site “Medici Villas and Gardens in Tuscany”. The project consists of a series of workshops for primary and secondary schools, online courses for teachers and digital paths to discover the Villas. The villegiardinimedicei.it site, a reference point for the knowledge and promotion of this UNESCO site, will be enriched with a digital toolkit available for girls and boys to discover this immense shared heritage through multimedia materials and creative playful activities.

Project funded by the Tuscany Region and by MIBACT under Law 77/2006.

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