Experiential space for kids to discover, explore and nurture their infinite curiosity

Intelligenze in gioco! is an experiential space for children from 0 to 6 years old, designed and realised by AEDEKA in the occasion of Internet Festival 2018 (Pisa, 11-14 October 2018).

Starting from a series of creative elements and multisensory installations, made with certified materials suitable for kids from 0 years old, we build a world of thematic experiences and games through which the young explorers can play and grow together, developing their cognitive and motor skills. Set around a large, super-calculation machine, a whole world of games stimulate kids to develop different types of intelligence (emotional, bodily, logical-mathematical, etc.). Each area of​ activity is accompanied by a short explanatory text that enhances the pedagogical aspects, the types of intelligence activated, and the benefits in terms of child development. The educators act as guides and observers, allowing children to experiment and explore freely.

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